Find beauty in your broken pieces

Trauma, stress, anxiety, depression, these can all cause a shattering of the very fabric of people. The shatters can be torn shreds of confetti or large jagged puzzle pieces. Regardless the size or amount of your pieces, you can find beauty in all of them. Let’s work together to bring these pieces back into alignment and find your new peaceful whole.

What is Trauma? Do I have trauma?

We as a people are extremely resilient. We deal with trauma regularly but because of our resilient nature we miss the cracks that trauma causes.

“Big T Trauma”

When you think of trauma, you think of “Big T Trauma” These are experiences in physical, sexual, emotional abuse, neglect, loss etc. These are the experiences that can change everything about a person if they allow it.

“Little t trauma”

“Little t trauma” are the things that people don’t always view as trauma. These can be hospital stays, mistreatment, breakups, conflict, accidents, being a witness to trauma and many other experiences. Where one of these experiences may not be devastating, it can absolutely be life altering. 

So, I have trauma, now what?

Just because you have had trauma doesn’t mean anything other than you have experienced trauma. Does that mean you need to enlist the help of a mental health professional? Not always. If the trauma you have experienced impacts the way you enjoy life, consider therapy. If it impacts the way you think, eat, sleep, work, consider therapy. Let me help you find the joy in life again.